How to start?
Privite group
We specialize in private groups, and our approach has consistently shown that our practice flourishes best when aligned with those who share our goals. We believe in the power of synergy and collaboration, and we invite you to join us on this journey of growth and joy.
When? Every Monday at 17:00h
Where? Oblá 505, 634 00 Brno-Nový Lískovec
How much? 150 CZK
Same mindset
We're eager to learn and grow together. Our group comprises individuals with varying levels of proficiency in both English and Czech. This class welcomes anyone who is keen to learn and embark on this journey with us.
Let us know if you need a mat.
Once a year, we all gather for a weekend getaway in nature to recharge and refresh our practice. It's a laid-back time where we soak up the goodness of conscious living. Come hang out with us and be part of the fun!
“Original and with an innate understanding of their student's needs, Monika adn Heider work as a team with Love for the Nature. It's always a pleasure to work with them.”
Kristina Stefková
Who we are
Hi, we are Monika and Heider
Our history together started at the same time we got in to practicing yoga. Our wonder for this world took us to study in the remote place of Dharamshala, India. There we spend a month practicing, eating, and living like Yogis. The experience was profound, and changed us deeply, so we decided to share with others. Nevertheless, we kept improving, Heider combined his studies as Personal Trainer and Philosophy into his practice while studying Ayurveda. And I got certified in Vegan Nutrition.
All to provide a joyful&Bright introduction, as we understood, to Yoga.
Whether you’re curious about classes, a free trial, or even press, we’re here to answer any questions.
We are located at:
Komunitní a společenské centrum Skála, Oblá 505, 634 00 Brno-Nový Lískovec
If you prefer to call:
Our number (En): +420 777 341 729
Our number (Cz): +420 777 223 684